Selasa, 01 April 2008

try to listen...

now i really want to talk about something that in these past days had
becomes the main theme that flying aroung inside my head... :D
its about the new environment i breathe in rite now..
its kind a difficult for me to fit in properly.. i found lots of people that didnt

fits me.. khekhe.. (i know i shouldnt be that selfish to expect that they

would be just excatly what i expected them to..) --> becoz somehow im not

excatly what they expect me to be kan?? wakwakwak..

i barely almost couldnt help the burst to flow out.. :D
(its like hoping for strawberry ice cream and got cappucinno flavoured ice!!)
dreamin about the sweet taste and got bitter instead :))

this place contain characters just like in Harry Potter Scheme..
i've got myrtle merana (siapa namanya dalam english yaa??) 'miserable

myrtle' mungkin?!
ada yang mirip dementor...
ada yang... mirip eskrim rasa cabe-rawit (ada gak yaa??)

the most important similarity is.. they always talking.. i barely couldnt help

my self to scream out..
since everybody is talking..revising someone else (rather than themselves)..
telling what is right for everyone.. what is wrong..
too much people talking.. i didnt know.. who deserve some ear to listen.. :(

thats too bad..
i mean..
people should learn how to shut their own mouth, and start to listen...
if everysingle one start to speak..
this world would be have too much noises.. :)) (berapa Db yaa?)
derau yang bisa di tampung sama atmosfer kita kan terbatas..
bayangkan klu terlalu banyak derau..
atmosfernya pecah..
sinar ultraviolet masuk ke bumi sesuka hati..
asteroid menghantam tanpa terkikis sedikitpun oleh ozon..
debu angkasa yang beracun memenuhi dunia..
bayangkan saja.. kelangsungan hidup umat manusia..
ck.. ck.. ck..

tidak bisa kubayangkan.. (<--tangan di dagu)

just talk the necessary thing..
thats it!


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